Morphvox pro not detecting microphone
Morphvox pro not detecting microphone

morphvox pro not detecting microphone

morphvox pro not detecting microphone


Imagine going back in time and giving Orson Welles the opportunity to make a movie with Moviestorm.

morphvox pro not detecting microphone

But I've found that most hobbies (especially the ones worth having) have their hurdles to overcome.Īnd specifically to Moviestorm, using trickery involving cameras is pretty much how movies were made prior to the advent of CGI.

morphvox pro not detecting microphone

I feel your frustration, wizaerd, and to a large part, you're right. Never mind my diatribe, I'll keep pluggin away, but for a fun hobby, it sure is starting to feel like a tedious job instead of a fun endeavor. So far, in my experiments I have learned that making movies in MovieStorm is nothing but creative camera angles to work around major short comings, that the environments are completely static and offer little or no real interactions, there's practically no interactions of characters and the sets other than the small number of items a puppet can use and they can't even use them well, and now the best advice for dialog and sounds is to not do it within MS, but in an external app. I have debated with myself for quite some time before responding to this, because I didnt want to sound negative, but I'm becoming increasingly frustrated. (Also, there are folks here in these (MS) forums who can do voice-acting for you as well who just want the credit in your vid.) I recommend if you need another voice, it's best to make a new friend! I know MV can make a guy sound like a female and vice versa, but in my opinion the harmonics just don't sound right, especially if you have a "normal" voice in the mix. I want my robots to sound mechanical, so it works for me. there are possibly some places I'd find MV useful, but it'd be for monster voices and the like). Nowadays I've changed to using Natural Reader voices (type what you want said, and the computer reads it to you) for my robots (ship's computer, I'm using my voice deepend and echoed with Audacity. I'm including that link below if you want it. If you saw my "Athena Project: Down The Rabbit-hole" (Chapter 2), I have an excerpt (in the first minute and a half) from chapter one there: back then I used a MorphVox-morphed voice (mine) for the computer's voice (deep and echo-ey). I'm probably not using MV the way you are expecting. Have you put anything up with MorphVox I can use a comparison with your process? does it sound robotic at all? and do you have the regular or the pro version?įulkster, how's MorphVox worked for you, sound wise? I like At Home With The Palins a lot, but the voices there wouldn't work for many things. Overall, it?s a cheap solution if you?re a one-man-show (or one-woman-show) and don?t want to have all of the dialog in your own voice. It doesn?t have this, so you have to keep talking and listening at the same time. If I have any complaints about the software, it is this: When setting up and testing a new voice, it would be nice if you could loop a track, then listen to it over and over while you tweak your settings. So, if you?re planning to write a series, you can click between the voices that you have set up. The program will allow you to save voice settings. You talk into the microphone in your ?normal? voice, and it comes out in MovieStorm changed. This means that once you have it set up, you can use it in MovieStorm seamlessly. The program patches itself in between the sound source (either microphone or line in) and the programs that access/use the sound. Overall (at least so far), I?m satisfied with the program.

Morphvox pro not detecting microphone